Trademark Registration


Trademark Registration

All you need to know

A Trademark registration protects your brand and provides you with the tools to prevent someone using similar signs and riding on the back of your business. Trademark (symbolizing a mark in trade) means a mark capable of being represented graphically and which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one person from those of others and may include a shape of goods, their packaging, and a combination of colors. Trademark registration in India is advisable to protect your brand

Essentially it is anything which identifies a brand to a common consumer. “Mark” includes a device, brand, heading, label, ticket, name, signature, word, letter, numeral, shape of goods, packaging or combination of colors or any combination thereof.

Reasons why businesses like yours need online brand Registration / Protection-

  • Trademarks protect your brand and goodwill, products and services. They give uniqueness to your brand.
  • Trademarks are an effective communication tool. They speak for themselves.
  • Trademarks are valuable assets and it keeps appreciating over time.
  • Trademarks make it easy for customers to find you. They set a brand apart from the crowd.
  • Trademarks allow organizations to effectively utilize the power of the Internet and social media.
  • Trademarks can even make hiring easier.
  • Trademarks are easy to apply and easy to use. is an eminent business platform and a progressive concept, which helps end-to-end incorporation, compliance, advisory, and management consultancy services to clients in India and abroad. Registering a Trademark in India is easy, seamless, cheapest and quickest with us. Contact caagrawalkanhere, Trademark Registration Company for trademark registration online and also for Trademark Watch Services in India. Find trademark registration services in Mumbai, Delhi, India. Register trademark India in quick steps. Find out how to register a trademark in India online, Trademark registration protects your brand and provides you with the tools to prevent someone using similar signs and riding on the back of your business. To apply for Trademark or have your LOGO Design online you may get in touch with our compliance manager on 0755 276 1432 or email for free query.

Advantages of Trademark Registration

6 benefits of registering Trademark online

Legal Protection

In addition to protecting your brand, obtaining a trademark gives you the power to stop others from using symbols that are similar to yours. By registering your trademark, you can protect your brand and prevent others from utilising it. Your registration grants you legal protection that is effective.

Unique Identity

The name and brand contain all of this. Clients will only recognise you by your brand. People will recognise your goods and services by the brand that is associated with them. This is ensured through trademark registration. It instantly distinguishes your good or service as being special and distinct from others.

Creation of Asset

A well-known brand or logo is the owner's intellectual property. If the same is registered, you can profit from it very well. There are several situations when registered trademarks can readily lend or sell the franchise for hefty fees or royalties.

Trust & Goodwill

Trademarks speak for themselves. They are effective communication tools. They allow you to use the power of the internet and social media. It ultimately creates a sense of trust and goodwill in the minds of your customers.

Logo Design & Brand

Your company may stand out from the competitors with the aid of branding and logo design. A distinctive logo conveys important company information, helps customers recognise your brand, and increases the value of your company when it is registered as a trademark.

Global Trademark

Foreigners, foreign businesses, and non-resident Indians can quickly and easily register a trademark in India. Furthermore, they can accomplish this without having a physical presence in India. A trademark that is registered in India may also be registered internationally.


Trademark Registration Documents Required

TM Application Checklist

  • Name of Applicant
  • Type of Business
  • Main Activities of Business
  • Name of Brand/Logo
  • Address

Trademark Registration Process

5 Easy Steps


Complete a Simple Checklist


Take a Search and Finalise Class


Submit Documents


Application for Trademark Registration


Start Using “TM”

TM Documents

A Compliance Manager will contact you to request your details and to provide a brief checklist. You must complete that checklist and submit it with your supporting documentation. Documents will be checked by our knowledgeable team, and the application process will continue. Your Compliance Manager will keep you informed about the status of TM Registration throughout the procedure.

Trademark Search

Your compliance manager will check to see if the requested TM, name, or logo is available. If a name or logo that already exists is discovered in the registry, we will make a suitable suggestion for changing the name or application. By doing this, the likelihood of objections will be reduced. Each application must be submitted under a certain class. We will assist you in choosing the best class (or classes) for your TM application.

TM Application

We will submit your trademark application online after a suitable class (or classes) have been determined. A TM number (acknowledgment receipt), produced by the registrar, will be given to you right away. There are two reasons why the TM number is crucial. One is that it makes it easier for you to track your application, and two is that it gives you immediate permission to use the TM symbol next to your trademark.

FAQs On Trademark Registration

Get answers to all your queries

Registrations of Company Names, Business Names or Domain Names do not provide ownership or a monopoly right in a name as do trademark registrations.
Trademark attorneys and examiners arrange trademark applications according to the description and classes of goods or services to which the trademarks apply. Trademark in India is classified in about 45 different Classes. See Trademark All Classes here.
As soon as you file the application, you receive an acknowledgment, which gives you the right to use the ™ symbol. Once it’s registered, you can use the ® symbol.
You can very well do this through Madrid Protocol. This is a highly technical process and requires thorough search. IP experts at CA Agrawal Kanhere will help you apply for Trademark in any country through Madrid. Drop an inquiry at info@CA Agrawal for more details.
You can still get a unique logo design done, with a name in it. However, you cannot get the word trademarked.
A unique name or logo has the highest chance of getting registration. However, it solely depends on the ministry to grant registration.
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