- Digital Signature
- Aadhar Card
- Pan Card
- Cancelled Cheque
- PAN Card of entity
- Electricity Bill
- Shop and Establishment Certificate
Complete simple form
Submit Documents
Application Preparation
PF registration form submission
You are PF Registered
Any company which has 20 or more employees is required to be registered with the PF Department.
It will take 10-15 working days.
12% of the basic salary deposited in provident fund account is contributed by employers, whereas out of employee contribution of 12%; 3.67% is contributed to the provident fund and 8.33% is submitted in Pension scheme.
The Employee contributes 12% of his /her Basic Salary & the same amount is contributed by the Employer. Employer contribution of 12% of basic salary is totally deposited in provident fund account whereas out of Employees contribution of 12%, 3.67% is contributed to Provident fund and 8.33% is deposited in Pension scheme.
Employees drawing basic salary up to Rs 15000/- have to compulsory contributions to the and employees drawing above Rs 15001/- have an option to become a member of the Provident Fund.