- By subscribing to the trademark services, we ensure that you get notified with the important stage of your Trademark Registration Application.
- In case of objection or opposition, we make sure to make you prepare with the reply and justifications.
- Facility of representative to appear before the trademark officer would be given.
- In case of the third party objection, you will be notified.
- You will not miss out on the important hearing dates etc as we will keep track of the same and keep you updated with the same.
- We would keep track of all relevant trademark registers to identify applications for identical and similar trademarks.
- Process of monitoring the trademark and looking out for all the similar marks that are registered would be available.
Subscribe to TradeMark Watch Services
Fill in the simple checklist
Give details about your registered Trademark
Give supportive Documents
Sit back and relax
Trademark Watch Services are services that provides you with the complete watch services which are required to protect your brand.
Yes we will notify and guide you with all the stages throughout the trademark registration process and even after that if any such issue arises.
Your trademark can be monitored in a number of ways, with every detail of new trademark application, new company names and new domain names. It is always best to have your trademark watched for infringements for all three. That way, we will keep you up-to-date at all times.
If the trademark applicant has been issued an adverse examination report by the trademark examiner, the trademark applicant will have to appear before the Trademark Officer and will have to address the Trademark objections raised. Here, the caagrawalkanhere Trademark Watch Service will notify you if there is any objection and will also arrange a representative to appear before the Trademark officer at an additional cost.
Yes we will notify you if any such situations comes up and if it is required by you we will represent you on any hearing that comes up for your Trademark.
CA Agrawal Kanhere.com provides Trademark Watch Services all across India. You can acquire Trademark Watch Services in Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Pune, Banglore, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, Kanpur, Nagpur, Jaipur or any other cities easily with us.