Trademark Withdrawal


Trademark Withdrawal

All you need to know

By registering your trademark, you get exclusive rights over the mark and also get protection against the use of the same by other parties. You would be able to use the mark in your official communication, marketing, and branding.

Trademark withdrawal:

Trademark withdrawal is the process where you can withdraw your trademark before it is registered. Once you have filed your trademark application, you can withdraw the same by filing an online request. Upon withdrawal, any rights that you had on the mark will become void, and the mark would be open for registration by another entity.

Reason you might wish to withdraw your Trademark Application:

  • Trademark registration is a long process and a lot may happen over that period.
  • You have decided to close your business.
  • You found some other Trademark / logo / brand attractive
  • You do not wish to carry on your business with the trademark that they have applied for.

Why caagrawalkanhere as your Service Provider for Trademark withdrawal? is an eminent business platform and a progressive concept, which helps end-to-end incorporation, compliance, advisory, and management consultancy services to clients in India and abroad. caagrawalkanhere has very experienced and dedicated team of Trademark consultants and attorneys. Who are expert in all the services related to Trademarks including Trademark registration, Trademark rectification, Trademark Modification, Trademark cancellation, Trademark Opposition etc. To know more on Trademark services online you may get in touch with our compliance manager on 0755 276 1432 or email for free query.

After Effects of Trademark Withdrawal

  • Upon withdrawal, any rights that you had on the mark will become void, and the mark would be open for registration by another entity.
  • Once the application has been withdrawn voluntarily, the online application status in the Indian Trademarks Registry’s website will be marked as withdrawn.
  • Sometimes the application can also be withdrawn when the Hearing Officer or Trademark Officer has failed to accept the trademark.
  • Withdrawal, effectively means that the application will have no effect, and is treated as canceled.
  • The applicant will not be able to use trademarks that have been withdrawn in any manner whatsoever.
  • Withdrawal, effectively means that the application will have no effect, and is treated as canceled.


Trademark withdrawal-Process Flow

5 Easy Steps


Fill in the simple checklist


Filing Online Application


Application in writing


Filing of the form


Trademark Withdrawn

Fill in the simple checklist

Our Compliance Manager will contact you to request the documents and a brief checklist. You must complete the checklist and submit it with the required paperwork for processing. Our knowledgeable team will examine the paperwork before starting the TM Withdrawal.

Application for TM withdrawal

We will submit an online application for TM withdrawal to the relevant Trademark registrar once we obtain the information and supporting materials for your trademark registration application. To be on the safe side, we will additionally mail a formal application to the trademark registry's address.

TM Application Withdrawn

When a trademark withdrawal application is submitted, a trademark officer reviews it. If the trademark officer is happy with the application, the status on the Indian Trademarks Registry website will be updated to "Trademark Withdrawn."

FAQs On Trademark Withdrawal

Get answers to all your queries

No, Trademark can be withdrawn only during the application is pending. Once the registration process is completed, you need to apply for trademark cancellation.
An application to the Trademark Ministry need to be made for withdrawal of the Trademark and in that you need to mention the Application Number.
For Trademark withdrawal, the applicant only needs to provide the Trademark Application Number and Power of attorney.
CA Agrawal provides Trademark withdrawal services all across India. You can make Trademark Withdrawal in Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, Kanpur, Nagpur, Jaipur or any other cities easily with us.
Our expert will help you in choosing the best suitable plan for you. Get in touch with our team to get all your queries resolved. Write to us at or call us @+91 9827270164
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