- Take your accounts to the cloud, access the same 24*7 on web/mobile app
- Completely paper-less accounting
- Secure data storage and cloud access
- Accounting done by professionals with 9 years of experience
- Dedicated accounts manager to answer all your queries
- Backed by secured data sharing protocols and strict confidentiality policies
- No yearly commitment. Pay as long as you use services
- Flexi payment options – No yearly advance
Drop in Inquiry
Fill in a simple checklist
Upload Data on Google Drive
Execution by the team
Single Point of Contact
Absolutely! To assist with cash-flow, we are happy to offer ongoing clients the ability to be charged either monthly or quarterly
We will provide you with a Single Point Of Contact. You will deal directly with your SPOC in case of any queries or concerns. You will get all the answers from this one person only.
The persons assigned to do the tasks for your company will be Highly qualified CA/CS/ Lawyers and Business administration. However, your SPOC will be a Master of business administration.
You may contact your SPOC at any time of the office working hours.
You may get in touch with your SPOC through any of the following ways:
Drop a Whatsapp message in Group designated to your company
Via Email ID designated to your company
Make a Direct call
Make a Skype call