Trademark Assignment


Trademark Assignment

All you need to know

Trademark Assignment is the action or process of transferring ownership and rights with/without the reputation related with a trademark to another entity partially or wholly by the original owner of the trademark, with or without some specified restrictions. The trademark assignment is made by way of a trademark assignment agreement, while the licensing is done by means of a license agreement.

A company owning a trademark, can transfer its rights related with the trademark to another entity by mean of the following two most popular arrangements: Trademark Assignment or Trademark Licensing. is an eminent business platform and a progressive concept, which helps end-to-end incorporation, compliance, advisory and management consultancy services to clients in India and abroad. Securing a Trademark in India is easy, seamless, cheapest and quickest with! Apart from a Trademark Registration, also helps you with Trademark Objection filing, Trademark Renewals, Trademark Assignment, Trademark withdrawal, Trademark opposition and Trademark rectification services. You may get in touch with our compliance manager on 0755 276 1432 or email for free query.

Advantages of Trademark Assignment

Points to make your decision easy

Unlock Hidden Value

The brand owner is able to unlock the value of the brand, which up until this point had only been worth something on paper, with the aid of the assignment. On the other side, the assignee might do much better entering a market with an established brand than by developing a new one from scratch.

Legally Valid Proof

Only through the deed of assignment may legal rights be clearly proved in the event of any trademark dispute. By evaluating the legality of each condition listed in the agreement, the Registrar of Trademarks guarantees that all checks are in place.


How to Assign Trademark

5 Easy Steps


Complete a Simple Checklist


Submit Documents


Drafting Assignment Agreement


You Approve Draft


Filing of TM Form and Agreement

Fill a Simple Checklist

You will receive a call from a compliance manager who will ask for your paperwork and give you a short checklist. This checklist must be completed and submitted with your supporting documents for processing. Documents will be checked by our knowledgeable team before the agreement is drafted.

Agreement Drafting

You will receive a professionally written trademark assignment agreement for approval and discussion. Your suggestions, if any, will be taken into account, and the document will be revised accordingly. Upon your approval of the draught, we will move forward and create the necessary TM Forms.


After the trademark assignment agreement has been notarized and stamped, the pertinent TM forms must be electronically submitted to the TM Department. Following a successful submission, we will email your registered email address with an acknowledgement receipt and the full, finalised agreement.

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