DIN Application


DIN Application

All you need to know

What is DIN?

DIN number or Directors Identification Number is a unique identification number provided by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to an individual who intends to be a director of a company in India.
DIN number or Directors Identification Number of a director is a unique 8-digit number which allows a person to legally act as a Director of a company. The DIN number is granted only one time to a person and an individual acting as the Director of multiple companies does not require to obtain multiple DINs to act as a director in those companies.

Rules for obtaining DIN:

  • In the case of new companies, first Directors up to number of 3 can apply for a DIN number only through the SPICe plus Form.
  • In the case of already existing companies, the Directors can apply for a DIN number only through the DIR-3 Form.
  • In case of already existing companies, the applicant director must attach a signature of any existing company director wherein he wants to get added.
  • For E.g. Mr. Manoj wants to apply for DIN wherein he wishes to be a director in ABC company. Here, Mr. Manoj will require a board resolution of “ABC’ company along with the digital signature of any of the existing director of ABC company.

Validity of DIN:

  • Once the DIN number is given to a Director, it does not require any reactivation or renewal and has lifetime validity.
  • However, the MCA may deactivate or disqualify the Director if the Director or the company is in violation of any of the laws or, its guidelines or notifications.

Why CA Agrawal Kanhere as your service provider for “DIN Application”?

caagrawalkanhere.com is an eminent business platform and a progressive concept, which helps end-to-end incorporation, compliance, advisory and management consultancy services to clients in India and abroad. Getting DIN (Director Identification Number) is easy, seamless, cheaper and quickest with caagrawalkanhere.com! Apart from DIN application, caagrawalkanhere.com also helps entrepreneurs with Digital signature, LLP registration, One Person Company Registration, Partnership Registration, HUF and Proprietorship Firm Registration easily.
You may get in touch with our compliance manager on 07552761432 or email info@caagrawalkanhere.com for free query

Importance of Director Identification Number

Points to make your decision easy

  • A DIN number is required to legally identify a person as a director of a company in India.
  • The entire database of the director can be found using DIN
  • Any form of communications with the MCA/ROC from the company such as annual returns, ROC filings, applications or KYC information related to the company is submitted with the signature of the Director(s) along with their DIN number.
  • Non-compliance with this can result in penalties and fines from the ROC and the Director can also lose their DIN number.
  • Director Identification Number (DIN) not only helps fixing the identity of the Director but also relates his participation in others companies, past and present.
  • Once obtained DIN number, the director can use the same for life irrespective of the company he works in. A change in the company doesn’t change the Director Identification Number.


Documents Required for DIN Application

Quick Checklist

  • One Passport Size photos
  • Self attested copy of Aadhar card
  • Self-attested copy of PAN
  • Self attested copy of Passport, in case of foreign nationals
  • Self-attested copy of address proof

How to Apply For DIN?

5 Easy Steps


Fill in a simple Checklist


Verification of Document


Submission of documents


Processing of application


You Receive DIN

Fill Simple Checklist

Our Compliance Manager will get in touch with you to obtain your documents along with a simple checklist. You need to fill up the checklist and submit along with the documents for processing. Our expert team will verify documents and proceed with the DIN Application.

DIN application

Once we have verified all the documents, we prepare the DIN application form and then we will file the DIN Application form and pay the fees for the same. All throughout the process, your dedicated compliance manager will keep you updated with the progress of DIN application.

DIN received

Upon uploading and successful payment, the MCA will verify the form. If there is no duplication found then the Director Identification Number will be approved and the same will be generated. Upon approval, the central government will communicate the DIN to the applicant within 1 month.

FAQs On DIN Application

Get answers to all your queries

DIN is a unique Identification Number allotted to an individual who is appointed as director of a company, upon making an application in form DIR-3 pursuant to section 153 & 154 of the Companies Act, 2013.
Yes, you will have to apply for a fresh DIN.
No, the particulars of the person with the provisional DIN number cannot be filled in the eforms and the person cannot sign as a director.
Income tax PAN is mandatory for Indian nationals however the same is optional for foreign nationals. If Income tax PAN is entered, it shall be mandatory to click on ‘Verify income-tax PAN’ button. Applicant’s name (first, middle and last name), applicant father’s name (first, middle and last name) and date of birth should be as per the income-tax PAN details.
Filing of DIN application shall not be allowed if the details entered in the form are not as per the Income-tax database.
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